ホーム > 未分類 > English composition series 001

English composition series 001

“Utamaro” is great! Matthew
I have been farm working in my garden sometimes.
I sometimes get my work clothes heavy dirty.
It was my big trouble thing long time.
So I need to throw work clothes in to washing machine
separate with other clothes. And I need to wash for a long
time. But it is very troublesome task. I had been distressed
long time.

At one time, I heard that “Utamaro” have very strong
washing. “Utamaro” is a small blue washing solid soap.
At once, I tried. I sprinkled water on the heavy dirty part
of working clothe and scrubbed work clothe with “Utamaro” a little.
And I washed it normally.
I was surprised it’s very very clean finish.

After that I become “Utamaro”‘ fan.   It’ very convenient.
Utamaro is great !

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